Difference Between a Regular Dentist and a Pediatric Dentist

If you have a Family Dentist that you love, you may wonder if it is necessary to find a Cary Pediatric Dentist for your child. Ensuring that your child’s teeth are properly cared for is a priority to their overall health and development. A Pediatric Dentist can be a great option especially if you have a child with special needs or advanced dental problems. They are also a great source of information as you learn to brush and floss your child’s teeth, and eventually, helping you teach your child how to care for their teeth on their own.

Here are a few differences between Family Dentists and Pediatric Dentists to help you choose which option is best for your family:

What is a Family Dentist?

A family dentist practices on patients of all ages, typically focusing their practice on preventative care. If a patient needs treatment from a specialist a family dentist may refer their patient out to another office that performs the exact treatment required, unless they have that specialist in house. Hera at Wake Dental Care, we see patients of all ages, and we are very good at working with children, however, we do refer to pediatric dentists when the need arises.

What is a Pediatric Dentist?

A pediatric dentist completes dental school just as family and general dentists plus an additional two to three years where they obtain hands on experience with children. This additional education includes child psychology for behavioral guidance, learning what problems may arise in their pediatric office and how best to handle them. Caring for children’s teeth and keeping their patients calm and comfortable throughout their visit is the focus of pediatric dental

Advantages of both Family and Pediatric Dentists

Advantages of a Family Dentist include:

  • Family Dentists care for patients of all ages which could add the convenience of you and your child having appointments at the same office, at the same time.
  • Family dental offices may offer specialist treatment within the same office.

Advantages of a Pediatric Dentist are:

  • Pedodontists complete two to three years of additional education just for the care of children.
  • Their tools are made for children and may be smaller.
  • Children with special needs are cared for by an experienced staff and often are able to continue care with their Pediatric Dentist throughout adulthood if it would be beneficial.

Pediatric Dentists use their additional education and training to focus their practice on the care of young children with developing teeth. Pediatric offices are designed with children in mind, including and especially those with special needs. The staff is trained to work with children and is able to communicate effectively to help them understand every experience they encounter in the office.