Pediatric Dentistry Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a Pediatric Dentist and a Family Dentist?

Pediatric Dentists specialize in the care of child patients. They complete an additional two to three years of education and training to focus their skill on children. We see children of all ages here at Wake Dental Care.

When should I take my child to the dentist for their first visit?

The ADA states as soon as you see your baby’s first tooth erupts through the gums!

How often does my child need to see a General or Pediatric Dentist?

Generally, every six months unless your dentist determines that your child would benefit from a more frequent schedule.

Are my baby’s teeth really that important?

Baby’s teeth are very important! They provide structure when they are developing speech patterns and provide the room needed for their permanent teeth to push through!

What should I use to clean my baby’s teeth?

Use a soft cloth dampened with water every day to clean their gums and once their teeth begin to come in, a soft bristled brush designed for infants should be used to remove buildup.

When should I introduce toothpaste?

Once baby’s teeth begin to erupt through the gums, you should start using a swallow safe non-fluoridated toothpaste in an amount about the size of a pea.

How can I prevent decay caused by nursing?

Using only water in baby’s bedtime bottle and not nursing them to sleep can greatly aid in the prevention of primary tooth decay.

How do I make my child’s diet safe for his/her teeth?

Ensure your child has their recommended daily amount of varied fruits and vegetables as well as proteins and dairy products. Limiting sugar and starchy foods can help their tooth development. Ask their dentist if they would advise adding anything in particular.

How can parents help prevent tooth decay?

Be sure you take your child to the dentist before their first birthday, preferably as soon as the first tooth appears. Brushing and flossing their teeth twice daily along with regular dental visits will help your child develop healthy teeth and gums.

Are thumb sucking a pacifier habits harmful for a child’s teeth?

By the age of three to four, thumb sucking and pacifier usage should ideally stop. If they persist, consult your dentist as an oral appliance may be needed.

What should I do if my child has a toothache?

Have them rinse with warm salt water and hold a cold compress to their cheek if you begin to notice any swelling. Get them to their dentist as soon as you can.

What can I do to protect my child’s teeth while they are playing sports?

Your dentist can have custom mouth guard fabricated to protect the teeth and gums from injury.

What do I do if my child knocks out a permanent tooth?

Trying not to touch the root of the tooth, rinse it and your child’s mouth with warm water and put the tooth back in place. If you cannot get it back in, put the tooth in milk and take it and your child to their dentist as soon as you can.