Invisalign Reviews

Invisalign has become an increasingly popular treatment option for patients who need to straighten their teeth, but is it the right solution for you? In deciding whether or not to pursue cary Invisalign treatment, there are a range of things to consider, such as the cost, the comfort, the time it will take to achieve results, and the effectiveness. To help you determine if Invisalign is right for you, we offer the following reviews, which provide personal insights into different individual’s experiences with Invisalign.

Invisalign Express 10 for Minor Misalignments

This Invisalign reviewer grew up wearing braces, but stopped treatment when she started college. As a result, her teeth returned to their natural misalignment. Chelsea decided to try Invisalign Express 10, which is a faster and less expensive treatment plan of Invisalign, designed for patients with less severe cases. (For patients with extremely mild cases, Invisalign also offers Invisalign Express 5).

In her review, Chelsea provides some helpful insights regarding the Invisalign process, including some of the benefits she experienced as well as some helpful tips for getting the most out of the process.

According to Chelsea, she:

  • Experienced sensitivity the first few days, but eating a soft diet helped alleviate this issue.
  • Was pleased with how subtle the aligners were.
  • Was surprised to find that she was able to stop chewing gum due to the aligners.
  • Found that weekends were the most difficult time to adhere to the schedule of keeping the aligners in for the suggested amount of time.

It is reassuring to hear how satisfied Chelsea has been with her results, but one of the most important takeaways from this review is how important it is to wear the retainers the recommended amount of time. Failing to follow your dentist’s instructions will seriously reduce the risk of you having as effective an outcome as possible.

Treatment Cost the Same as Metal Braces

While Chelsea was able to finish her treatment in only eleven aligner attachments, Dominic had the opposite experience, requiring 33 trays total. In this video, Dominic explains that, while he did not experience any sensitivity or pain from the trays when he began the treatment, around the 14th tray he began to have what he describes as “extreme sensitivity”; so much so that he considered stopping the treatment. Fortunately, he decided to stick with the plan and is now feeling fine.

In this review, Dominic provides some helpful tips and tricks for maximizing the Invisalign process, such as:

  • Change to new trays before sleeping so your teeth will naturally get accustomed to them overnight
  • Remove your aligners at least 15 minutes before you eat so your teeth have time to adjust to chewing food

Next Steps

Now that you have read some real reviews from real Invisalign patients, hopefully you have a better sense of what you can expect from this treatment and whether or not Invisalign is right for you. The most important thing to remember is that every patient has unique needs that require unique treatment plans. Moving forward, please consider these reviews, your particular dental needs, and talk to your dentist about whether or not Invisalign is right for you.

More on Invisalign : How Long Does Invisalign Take?