How Long Does Invisalign Take to Straighten Teeth?

Invisalign is a popular treatment option for patients who have crowded teeth, underbites, overbites, or gapped teeth and who would rather avoid wearing uncomfortable and aesthetically unappealing traditional metal brackets.

The Invisalign process works by placing trays that have been customized to your individual needs, and is designed to control the timing of force application, only moving a few teeth during each stage of the process. By wearing these trays, which will be replaced every one to two weeks, your teeth will gradually begin to straighten until you have the perfect smile that you have been dreaming of!

Treatment time will vary from patient to patient, but for adults, 12 months is the average amount of time required to achieve optimal results. The treatment time for teenagers tends to vary more. Regardless of age, the most important thing patients can do to speed up the process is wear their aligners the recommended 20-22 hours every day.

The majority of patients who start Invisalign treatment see noticeable improvements within the first two or three months.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes treatment times to vary?

Every individual has a unique set of circumstances, which means the Invisalign treatment experience will not be the same for everyone. Patients who only have mild misalignment may be able to complete Invisalign treatment with just 5 aligners, whereas more severe cases may require 30+ aligners.

I have crowded teeth. How long will it take to treat?

Individuals with mild crowding may be able to correct the issue in as little as three months, whereas those with more severe cases may require an extensive treatment plan, which may involve the use of headgear or removal of teeth, in which case treatment will take considerably longer, sometimes more than two years.

I have a gap in my teeth. How long will treatment take?

The length of time for treatment will depend upon the size of the gap, but small gaps can be corrected in as little as two months. It is important to be aware that gaps will return if patient’s do not use a retainer following their treatment.

Does Invisalign only work for teenagers, or can adults benefit from it?

Adults can absolutely benefit from Invisalign. In fact, Invisalign is often shown to work LESS effectively for teenagers, simply because they tend to struggle with being compliant in wearing the aligners the recommended amount of time. If you have a teenager that is considering Invisalign, but may struggle with this aspect, talk to your dentist about specialized treatment plans that are designed specifically for teenagers.

Why should I use Invisalign instead of Traditional Braces?

In general, both treatments are effective options; however, there are certain individuals for whom one treatment or the other is clearly favorable.

Traditional metal braces are not suitable for individuals who play rough contact sports, like football or wrestling on a regular basis. They would be an ideal solution for individuals who have more complex issues, which Invisalign could not appropriately treat, or for individuals who will struggle with following the treatment plan.

Invisalign is not ideal for patients who have back tooth bite issues, bridgework, or who will not have the discipline to remain compliant with the treatment plan. It is perfectly suited, however, for patients who can exercise self-discipline, whose case is not uniquely severe, and for whom the aesthetic benefits are of significant value.

More on Invisalign : Invisalign Vs Braces