What to eat after Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

Now that you and the dentist have determined that your wisdom teeth need to be extracted to keep your mouth healthy, you need to make plans for your recovery.  Eventually after the procedure you will be ready to eat again, but there are some better choices than others to keep your mouth on track to heal properly.  Not all foods are going to be viable options for you to enjoy, but some of the foods that seem like good choices can actually cause problems.

The Day of The Extraction

Depending on the location and health of your teeth, the dentist may need to cut bone to remove the entire tooth and its root.  After the dentist completes this main part of the surgery, the dentist will need to close the wound with stitches and may place gauze over it to absorb any additional blood.  The stitches will help the wound stop bleeding and form blood clots to heal the wound as best as possible.  Certain foods and drinks can irritate or cause problems for your healing extraction sites.

What to eat after wisdom teeth removal

To start enjoying food and drinks the same day of your extraction is common but you will want to start with liquids and then softer foods.  Be sure that you do not use a straw while you have the stitches and blood clots in your wounds.  The suction can dislodge these important tools in the healing process and even leave you open to infection.

Another important factor to consider is the texture of the food and the size of the food particles.  Any foods that require serious chewing or have small bits that can get stuck in the wounds or cause more pain and swelling while you are sensitive.  Some good choices to consider in the first day or two are:

  • Smoothies
  • Yogurt
  • Blended soups
  • Apple sauce
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Hummus
  • Gelatin desserts
  • Puddings
  • Ice Creams

You may even prefer cold foods at this time as the temperature can keep the pain from uncomfortable levels.  Thoughtful food choices with nutrients and anti-inflammatory properties can help the healing process and allow you to enjoy some more dense foods sooner.  It is important to choose wisely and not only indulge in high sugar foods at this time.  As you heal and you are more comfortable starting to chew again, you may be ready to eat eggs, oatmeal, nut butters, and toast.  Eventually you can bring in chicken or fish, fruits and vegetables, but it may be weeks before you are ready for carrots again.

What not to eat after wisdom teeth removal

While moderation is most popular suggestion for your regular diet choices, there are some poor choices for cary wisdom teeth extraction healing.  Things to wait to eat and drink are:

  • Alcohol
  • Crunchy foods
  • Chewy foods
  • Acidic foods
  • Spicy foods

You should be back to your normal diet within two weeks and most people can even enjoy their favorite foods within a week.

More on Wisdom Teeth Removal : Smoking After Wisdom Tooth Extraction