What Causes a Gummy Smile?

A person who has an excessive amount of gum tissue above their top teeth, resulting in an imbalanced ratio of gum to teeth is said to have a gummy smile. Gummy smiles can develop for a variety of reasons, the most common of which are:

  • Teeth that remain partially covered by gum tissue due to improper eruption. This is one of the most common reasons for a gummy smile and indicate that the teeth are shorter than they actually are, despite the fact that they are the proper length.
  • Short upper lip
  • Smaller teeth as compared to the gums, either due to wear or genetics
  • Hyperactive upper lip that lifts too high while smiling. When this muscle is hyperactive, your upper lip rises higher than normal, resulting in more of your gum being visible.
  • Enlarged or long gums (gingival hypertrophy)
  • Bulging gums (vertical maxillary excess). A gummy smile is more likely to be present among individuals whose gum tissue naturally develops a bulging protrusion.

Once the underlying cause of your gummy smile is identified, an appropriate treatment can be determined.

Is Fixing a Gummy Smile Worth the Cost?

The cost of fixing a gummy smile can be as inexpensive as $300 to as much as $8,000. Factors that will inform the total cost of treatment include the extensivity of treatment, what, if any additional treatments are necessary to address underlying issues contributing to your gummy smile, how many appointments are necessary, and whether dental sedation is required as part of the treatment process. Additional factors that will contribute to the total cost of treatment include the professional reputation of your dentist or periodontist, the location of the office, and whether you have dental insurance, and if so, whether your plan covers the cost of fixing a gummy smile. Although unlikely, unanticipated complications occurring will also increase total cost of treatment.

To help you decide whether you should pursue treatment for your gummy smile, it may be helpful to consider the following benefits and drawbacks.

Benefits of treating a gummy smile include:

  • For simple cosmetic corrections, the procedure is fast and relatively painless.
  • Cosmetic corrections can be performed in one visit
  • Minimally invasive treatments will have a fast recovery time
  • Provides immediate and permanent results
  • A more balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile
  • Restored or enhanced self-confidence
  • Decreased risk of developing gum disease

Drawbacks of treating a gummy smile include:

  • May require the use of anesthesia
  • May experience some soreness following the procedure
  • Increased risk of complications for patients with a suppressed immune system
  • Does not cure periodontal disease
  • If performed for cosmetic purposes, may not be covered by insurance

If you have additional questions about treating your gummy smile, schedule an appointment to discuss treatment options with your dentist or periodontist. They can provide you with professional insight into which is the best treatment option for you and you will have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have, such as the cost involved, what procedural steps will be taken, and what the recovery process is like following your gummy smile treatment procedure.

More on Gummy Smiles : How to reduce a Gummy Smile?