Gummy Smile Treatments

Patients who have an excessive amount of visible gum in their upper lip have what is referred to as a gummy smile. Although a gummy smile may not be indicative of any underlying issues, many people with a gummy smile feel self-conscious about the aesthetic appearance of their smile. Fortunately, there are treatment options available to correct a gummy smile and create a more balanced ratio of gums to teeth.

To help determine appropriate treatment options, an initial examination will be performed during which your gums, jaws, lips, and teeth will be evaluated. The criteria and recommended treatments for selecting the appropriate gummy smile treatment include the following:

  • Orthodontic treatment: If an individual has a mild case of gummy smile caused by teeth or the jaws, orthodontic treatment may be able to shift your bite into the appropriate position and make your gums less prominent. Examples of commonly used orthodontics to correct mild cases of gummy smile include traditional braces and Invisalign.
  • Orthognathic surgery: For individuals with moderate or severe jaw protrusion, orthognathic surgery in combination with orthodontic treatment may be necessary. Prior to performing surgery, patients are typically required to wear braces for approximately one year. Following this period, surgery will involve an oral surgeon recontouring your upper jaw to the appropriate size and then moving and securing your jaw to the appropriate position using screws and plates. Once the surgical portion of this treatment plan is complete, an additional year of orthodontic treatment will likely be necessary in order to lock your bite. Although this is the most invasive approach to correcting a gummy smile and will require administration of general anesthesia, a hospital stay, and a serious commitment on your part, it will also provide you with dramatic results and a higher gummy smile correction than any other treatment option.
  • Crowns or veneers are a simple method for improving your tooth-to-gum ratio by increasing the visible appearance of your teeth.
  • Gingivectomy: A gingivectomy is a safe and effective method for correcting a gummy smile by removing excess gum tissue to reveal more of your teeth and reshaping the remaining tissue to create a smile with a harmonious balance of teeth to gums.
  • Crown lengthening surgery can be performed on teeth that have not fully erupted by exposing more tooth and letting the gums retract by removing gum tissue and/or bone.
  • LANAP or laser gum contouring is a safe and effective method for removing excess gum tissue without the use of scalpels.
  • BOTOX: Although results only last three to four months on average and is only effective in correcting a gummy smile affecting the upper lip, BOTOX injections provide a fast, though temporary, correction for gummy smiles caused by hyperactive upper lifts by paralyzing the muscle responsible for lifting the upper lift too high while you smile.
  • Lip lowering or lip repositioning surgery involves removing a small strip of tissue from the inside of the upper lip, then suturing the cut to the gums to inhibit the movement of your lip when smiling.

More on Gummy Smiles : What Causes Gummy Smiles?