Is Gum Contouring Painful?

Gum contouring is an outpatient procedure done at your dentist or periodontist. It is done to correct an uneven gum line or to remove excess tissue, called a “gummy smile”. It is also used in the treatment of gum recession to restore the area and protect it from further damage.

Allowing gum recession to go untreated can lead to bone loss in the area causing teeth to loosen and even be lost completely. The amount of pain you can expect depends on each individual patient’s pain tolerance and the extent of work that needs to be done.

Is Gum Contouring Painful?

Surgical procedures inevitably come along with some amount of pain. As with many dental and oral procedures, the area being worked on is numb from a local anesthetic so no pain is felt during the procedure. After the procedure is completed and the anesthesia begins to wear off is when you will likely begin to experience pain and discomfort. While a scalpel can be used to reshape the gums, most doctors opt for a laser or electrocautery.

Post Procedure Care

Pain Medications: You are not likely to need prescription pain medications after receiving gum contouring. If you need to, you can take over the counter pain management medications but do not take any containing aspirin! Aspirin acts as a blood thinner and can cause bleeding which you will want to avoid.

  • Oral Hygiene: For several weeks after gum surgery, you will need to take care when brushing and flossing to avoid bleeding. Opt for an alcohol-free mouthwash so you do not cause any burning in the affected areas.
  • Diet: Until your gums have fully healed, stay away from any food that is crunchy, spicy or acidic. These food types will irritate the area and extend your recovery time. Try to keep to a diet of soft foods avoiding coffee, tea, and soda for a few days.
  • Activity: The longer you are able to rest, the faster your recovery process will be. For the first few days, avoid heavy lifting and physical activities. Overdoing it can lead to swelling, bleeding and more pain in the area and extend recovery time.

Depending on the extent of your gum contouring surgery, your recovery time could range from just a few days to a couple of weeks. Your pain will lessen day by day and you will be able to return to regular eating and oral hygiene habits. The longer you can allow yourself to rest the quicker your healing time will be. You do not necessarily have to miss work but limiting your physical exertion will greatly reduce your downtime.

If at any time your pain worsens call your doctor right away so they can get you in for postoperative evaluation.

More on Gum Contouring : Is Gum Contouring Right for You?